Quite the most romantic evening

We had blocked off last week in our diary to host the last of our Spring Birding Bonanza breaks to include as a bonus an evening excursion to try and find some nightjars.

Of course, it was fully booked.

Of course, it was cancelled because of C-19.

Of course, the conditions were perfect.


I suggested to Kay that it would be nice if just the two of us went out to look for the nightjars.

But she gave me that look.

She was ensconced on the sofa and her favourite programme was just about to start – you know the one, with David Olusoga, about the history of the house. Kay loves it.


‘Come on darling, it will be nice, it’s a perfect nightjar evening – you can watch it later on catch-up’.

 I could see her eyes roll to the ceiling.

 ‘It will be lovely – promise’.

 Kay moaned the whole way there…

 ‘How long is this going to take?’

‘How far is the walk?’

‘Will it be dry underfoot?’

‘Will there be midges?’

 My eyes rolled to the skies…

 We reached the lonesome pine on top of the Mendips just after 9.

 Kay moaned the whole time we were in position.

 ‘We are too early’

‘I told you we’d be too early…’

‘I told you we didn’t have to be here until after half-past..’

‘These midges are murder…’

‘If I get midgey bites, Graeme, I will not be happy’

 ‘Yes dear…’

 There was a lovely sunset.

We saw a roosting heron at the top of a distant tree, lit in the last of the sunlight – and heard a tree pipit.

 Kay wasn’t impressed… particularly with the pipit.

 No sign of a nightjar.

Not a hint of a churr…


‘I told you we were too early…’

‘I think we were in the wrong place…’

‘I could have been at home watching my programme….’

 ‘Yes dear….’


Kay pointed  over my shoulder ‘What’s that bird over there?’

 An amazing nightjar silhouette flew out over our heads, long wings, slowly flapping, circling higher, gliding, then silently flapping again above our heads – putting on quite a show.

 We both beamed with delight.

 Thank goodness Kay was there, or we would have missed it.


Kay, the Nightjar Queen!

It was quite the most romantic evening we have had for some time.


What’s that bird?

What’s that bird?



Graeme Mitchell