The ‘covid’ warbler makes an appearance

Over the past few weeks there has been a little warbler singing from one of the bushes in the corner of our hedge. Every day it has been singing, dawn ‘til dusk. It has been very much the bird of lockdown - our first lesser whitethroat in the garden of Walls Farm, or the ‘covid’ warbler as we called it.

Here it is captured for posterity.

A quick sketch to capture the shape.

A quick sketch to capture the shape.

A bit of colour and it starts to come alive

A bit of colour and it starts to come alive

The bird sang from the same branch every morning which was very late to bud.

The bird sang from the same branch every morning which was very late to bud.

Lesser whitethroat, or covid warbler.Painted by Graeme, May 2020

Lesser whitethroat, or covid warbler.

Painted by Graeme, May 2020

Graeme Mitchell